about kitty

i'm kitty!you can also call me any childish nickname you can think of, hehe~ :3 if any of these tumblr urls sound familiar: serialkillerloli, serialkillerloli0, serialkillerloli1, serialkillerloli2, catgirldeathrattle, or catgirlviolence, that was me!

i'm 16 (though i personally percieve myself as younger), and i use she/it pronouns. i celebrate my birthday on december 24th. it's not my actual birthday, it's just the day i made my first blog, but it's close enough lol

i like to draw! i've been doing it for as long as i can remember !!

i love sweet things! especially chocolate !! that's the way to my heart~

i'm a cute catgirl princess! and an angel! and a doll! and an android! and autistic, if that wasn't glaringly obvious yet.

things i like
in case you couldn't tell, i love the color pink!
i love animals! any and all of them!

i also like touhou, cool weapons, and machines and shit. if something is cute and childish, i'll probably enjoy it.

q: you're 16? is that an age regression/ageplay/transage thing?

a: no. if that was the case, i would've said so somewhere, so my mutuals wouldn't get insane false accusations for merely interacting with me. if that changes your opinion of me, well... it's really your fault for assuming. (¬_¬;)

q: [insert lecture about how i shouldn't be online, or interacting with certain people, or whatever]

a: please, i'm not some stupid baby. i'm legally old enough to drive and get a job, i think i'm old enough to decide who i interact with. if i was uncomfortable, i would do something about it. also, if you think i can't feel a certain way, or know what i want, until i'm the societally acceptable age, you're fucking stupid lol

q: what's it like openly being a minor online?

i was asked this question in the past, but only now can i answer it. this is bc, up until my current tumblr blog, i've displayed my age. well, i can tell you that i'm definitely treated differently. when people don't know my age, they treat me as an equal. when they do, however, they often act differently. they don't want to say certain things around me, some don't want to interact with me at all. i prefer keeping my age public. if you're gonna treat me differently based on something i can't control, i'd rather have you do it outright, instead of you getting to know me and then doing it after you find out.