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you know your friend's creepy older brother, who's probably going to assault you at some point? blooddoggirl is like him, but a girl.

she smells like basement and almost always wears a green army jacket. she's obsessed with guns. she'd fuck the 2nd amendment if it was a girl.

blooddoggirl was born to a lower-class family in a small town in louisiana. her father was in the military, but left after she was born. this was the case with his father before him, and so on.

bc of her family's past, she was always surrounded by military paraphernelia. this sparked her lifelong interest in military things, especially the vietnam war. that's one of the few things she remembers about herself before she turned 13. this is bc, when she was 13, she suddenly realized she was a girl (she's trans), and claims not to remember anything before then. she calls this "the day [she] became blooddoggirl." it's unknown whether she actually forgot, or just says this bc she doesn't want to talk about it. it doesn't really matter either way.

growing up, she was generally considered a weird kid. she was an easy target, and got beat up a lot. when she started high school, she got stronger, and began to pursue revenge in the form of raping her enemies to death. either that, or she'd rape the shit out of them and kill them after.

of course, this doesn't mean she was alone. she's been friends with her neighbor, luna, who's the same age as her, since they were toddlers. luna has always been intrigued by blooddoggirl and her behaviors. blooddoggirl is like a part of the family. thus, she'd often go with them on trips, or watch their house when they were gone.

luna isn't the only one intrigued by blooddoggirl. luna's little sister, katarina, who is 4 years younger than her, has been obsessed with blooddoggirl since she was 9 years old. katarina tried to pursue blooddoggirl. blooddoggirl would make risqué comments here and there (for example, calling katarina jailbait), but didn't seem to be genuinely interested. the feelings were mutual, she was just afraid of getting caught.

when katarina turned 16, blooddoggirl deemed she was old enough, and trusted her not to tell. so, that's when they started to date, and fuck, and etc. later on, they get married and move to northern louisiana, where they become the epitome of white trash (this is a good thing).

misc. facts that i couldn't fit in her lore

  • she's 6'6.
  • she loves to smoke and drink.
  • she's really good with computers.
  • her fav song is lord of the game by death grips.
  • her fav movie is the matrix.